
Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc.

5675 Route 87
P.O. Box 65
Forksville, PA 18616

Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Customer Support: 570-924-3381 or Toll Free 1-800-570-5081

Report an Outage: 570-924-3418 or Toll Free 1-800-596-8397

Office Staff:

John Lykens, CEO
Diane White, Executive Assistant
Todd Molyneux, Manager of Electric Operations
Heidi Roupp, Chief Financial Officer

Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative serves over 6,000 meters in its service area. There are approximately 3,200 members in Sullivan County, 200 in southern Bradford County, and 2,700 in Lycoming County, all of which are in northern Pennsylvania.

Approximately 56% of the services are residential, 38% are seasonal, and 6% are commercial or industrial. The Cooperative maintains over 900 miles of line with 19 employees based in Forksville.