Members of the Board of Directors are (seated, from left): Chair Steve Brady, Ann Henderson, and Secretary/Treasurer Kathy Robbins. Standing (from left) are: Dave Rakestraw, Vice-Chair Dave Aumen, Jim Lambert, Jay Lewis, Karen Beinlich, and Jeff Hamilton.
One of the major differences between being a member of an electric cooperative and a customer of a privately owned utility is that you have a voice in who serves as your representative.
As a cooperative member owner you have the ability to vote for the director who represents your area at the annual cooperative meeting. For more information on director elections, please click here.
Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative has nine directors on its board who serve three year terms. Directors are responsible for hiring the CEO and approving budgets, policies, rates, financial plans, and construction work plans. Here is a list of the current 2022-2023 directors and the district from which they are elected:
Chairman | Stephan Brady |
Vice-Chairman | David Aumen |
Secretary/Treasurer | Kathy Robbins |
Name |
District No. |
County |
Township |
Ann Henderson |
1 |
Bradford |
Canton Twp |
Lycoming |
McNett Twp |
Sullivan |
Fox Twp |
Karen Beinlich |
2 |
Sullivan |
Elkland Twp |
Sullivan |
Hillsgrove Twp |
James Lambert |
3 |
Bradford |
Overton Twp |
Sullivan |
Forks Twp |
Sullivan |
Forksville Boro |
Jeff Hamilton |
4 |
Bradford |
Albany Twp |
Sullivan |
Cherry Twp |
Sullivan |
Laporte Boro |
Sullivan |
Laporte Twp |
Kathy Robbins |
5 |
Lycoming |
Franklin Twp |
Lycoming |
Jordan Twp |
Lycoming |
Penn Twp |
Sullivan |
Davidson Twp |
Sullivan |
Shrewsbury Twp |
Jay Lewis |
6 |
Lycoming |
Mill Creek Twp |
Lycoming |
Shrewsbury Twp |
Lycoming |
Wolf Twp |
David Rakestraw |
7 |
Lycoming |
Upper Fairfield Twp |
David Aumen |
8 |
Lycoming |
Plunketts Creek Twp |
Stephan Brady |
9 |
Lycoming |
Cascade Twp |
Lycoming |
Gamble Twp |
Lycoming |
Lewis Twp |