Thinking about adding trees to your landscaping? While trees can be very beneficial and add value to your property, they can be a hazard to you, your family, and the public if planted too close or beneath electric lines. Trees planted too close to power lines can cause damage to electric facilities and can cause outages during storms. Please follow the guidelines below when planting trees on your property.

Trees will quickly outgrow their sapling stage, and within a few years your 3' tall spindle will have developed into a substantial tree. Keep in mind that trees don't only grow vertically, but their branches extend horizontally too.
Trees should be placed no closer than 25' to electric utility lines. Consider the width your tree will develop within a matter of just a few years. As for height, they should not exceed more than 25' tall at 25' away. As the distance from the utility pole increases, the height of the tree can increase.

Despite taking precautionary steps to avoid electric lines, some trees still grow taller or wider than expected, and their branches interfere with electric lines or utility poles. When this occurs, one of two things needs to happen:
A) The tree needs to be trimmed to avoid wire interference (see above photo).
B) The tree needs to be completely removed if it poses a severe threat to lines or poles.
For more information on tree trimming/removal, see the below link: